Global Health Research, Management and Solutions (Global Health RMS)
Global Health Research, Management and Solutions (Global Health RMS)

About Global Health Research, Management and Solutions (Global Health RMS)
About Global Health Research, Management and Solutions (Global Health RMS)
Established in June 2014, Global Health Research, Management and Solutions (Global Health RMS) is a USA-Based Public Health & Consulting Corporation. The mission of Global Health RMS is to establish links between medical and public health agencies and researchers, and the academia in the Middle East and North Africa, MENA Region, as well as their counterparts in countries with Arab Immigrants, such as North America and Europe.

The Goals of Global Health Research, Management and Solutions
The Goals of Global Health Research, Management and Solutions
- To serve as a platform for prompting better understanding of the effects of social determinants of health on physical and mental health of people in Arab communities both, in the US, Europe and MENA region.
- To establish scientific links and promote research collaborations between researchers and academics, and non-government and volunteer organizations in the MENA region, especially in countries hosting large number of refugees and displaced populations.
- To establish scientific research collaborations and partnerships between health researchers in the US and their counterparts in the MENA region and develop and promote collaborative research models that could improve social determinants of health.
- To improve research capacity-building in the MENA region both in qualitative and quantitive methodologies.
- To examine and respond to health priorities within the complex setting of instability, uncertainty, and forced migration and displacement in the MENA region.
Advocacy and Policy Change
Advocacy and Policy Change
Global Health RMS has been a strong advocate in promoting the understanding of cultural and social determinants of health that influence health behavior, physical and mental health conditions in the MENA region by enhancing capacity-building in research and public health education and training. It maintains its advocacy for global public health networks through local and global health organizations such as, the U.S Global Leadership Coalition, UNCHR and WHO
EMRO. Therefore, Global Health RMS has been effective in its advocacy to eliminate health disparities and provide best practices and solutions for health education alongside preventing diseases in Arab and other immigrant communities in North America and MENA region.
Research Collaboration
Research Collaboration
The founding philosophy of Global health Research, Management and Solutions maintains that health promotion and disease prevention activities are the most humane and effective ways to ensure the health and well-being of the community-at-large. Central to its mission statement is the provision of global public health initiatives and the pursuit of community-based research that focuses on the health needs of Arab populations locally and globally. In addition, the Firm serves as a training coordinator for residents, nurses, and public health professionals in collaboration with local and global academic centers.Global Health RMS has had leadership roles in establishing national and global health research partnerships and collaborations aimed at improving the management of chronic disease conditions and good public health practices in Arab patient populations around the World
To maintain its mission and core values, Global Health RMS has been hosting global health summits in both, the US, and MENA Region for many years because we understand that epidemiology and diseases has no borders. Global Health Research, Management and Solutions participates nationally and internationally in collaborative research programs and forums. In collaboration with its global health partners, Global Health RMS continues to gather and disseminate fundamental information that is needed for Arab community in both, the USA and MENA region. In collaboration with academic partners, Global Health RMS has co-authored over 250 research publications on the health of Arab Americans and Arab community and been an integral part of important global data collection efforts, see attached Resume for Peer Reviewed publications list.
Partners and Affiliated Organizations
Partners and Affiliated Organizations
Global Health RMS partners and programs included World Health Organization East Mediterranean Region Office WHO-EMRO, Sultanate of Oman Ministry of Health, American University Of Beirut, Michigan State University Institute of Global Health, Sousse University Medical School in Tunisia, University of Nebraska Medical Center, National Institute Of Health Fogarty Center, (NIH), Amel Association in Lebanon, University of Gaziantep, Turkey, Wayne State University School of Medicine, UK AID, ELRHA of the United Kingdom, American Cancer Society, Michigan health and Hospital association, University of California, university of Michigan, ANERA , UNRWA, UNHCR, CDC Africa, and Carter Research Center, just to name few .
Corporation Registration
Corporation Registration
Global Health Research, Management, and Solutions is a registered USA Based Public Health Corporation. Its enrolment number is: 408797926111108041 and its Tax ID Number is: 46-5654854