Adnan Hammad, Ph.D.

Dr. Adnan Hammad, President, Global Health
Research & Solutions, Michigan, USA
Dr. Hammad is the President & CEO of Global Health Research, Management & Solutions. In this capacity, he oversees global health collaborations and research initiatives. He establishes links between researchers and scientists in the Middle East and North Africa Region and their counterparts in countries with Arab immigrants, such as North America and Europe. Dr. Hammad is the founder and immediate past Senior Director of ACCESS Community Health and Research Center, and Chairman of the National and International Health Research Initiatives, From 1994 to 2014. Dr. Hammad is very active in academia; he currently serves as an adjunct Clinical Professor at Wayne State University School of Medicine, Department of Family Medicine and Public Health Sciences, and adjunct Professor at Michigan State University, School of Medicine, Faculty of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Reproductive Biology. Dr. Hammad’s research collaborations include National Institute of Health (NIH), Center for Disease Control (CDC), American Diabetes Association, Wayne State University, University of Michigan School of Public health, Michigan Department of Community Health, and Kellogg Foundation as a Principal and Co-Principal investigator on several research projects that include behavioral and epidemiological research. He has authored and co-authored over 200 publications in the fields of behavioral and epidemiological research and several Chapters in books that include Arab Health Psychology, Arab American health disparities, and substance abuse. Dr. Hammad has extensive education and experience in health care services, public health policy, and research at both the local and international levels. He holds several degrees, including a Master of Science in applied psychology, a Master in Health Economics, and a Doctorate in public health and Policy. Additionally, he has distinguished international consulting experience in the Middle East, North Arab Africa, Europe, and North America, including the WHO EMRO Research Committee, American University of Beirut Faculty of Health Sciences, Gaziantep university in Turkey, and Iben Al-Jazar Medical School, Sousse University, Tunisia, to name few.