Dr. Akihiro Seita, UNRWA, Jordan

Scientific Advisory
Dr. Akihiro Seita, UNRWA, Jordan
Dr Akihiro Seita is the director of health and the WHO special representative to the UNRWA (United Nations
Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees) since 2011.
Dr Seita is taking the lead in UNRWAʼs agency-wide Covid-19 responses for 5.7 million Palestine Refugees in Gaza, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria and West Bank including East Jerusalem. He is the chair of the UNRWAʼs Covid- 19 coordination committee, and works extensively with different stakeholders in UNRWA like education, human resources and legal departments, and also with stakeholders outside UNRWA like host governments, UN agencies like WHO, and donor governments.
Dr Seita managed the health reform to UNRWAʼs primary health care by introducing the family medicine