Dr. Ali Asy


Dr. Ali Asy, Africa CDC, Egypt

Dr. Ali Asy is a professor and biosafety advisor at Animal Health Research Institute in Egypt. He currently serves as the Chair of the North Africa biosafety and biosecurity technical working group (BB-TWG) in the Africa CDC. He is a member of the Africa CDC regional training and certification program examination and certification committee. He is an International Federation of Biosafety Association (IFBA) Certified Professional in Biorisk Management and Biosecurity and IATA certified in the Shipping of biological substances. He is an IFBA international mentor.
Dr. Asy conducted many BSBS projects, in Egypt and the North African region, in cooperation with many international organizations. These projects focused on strengthening the one-health approach and enhancing awareness, policies, procedures, and practices of BSBS in the North African region. Dr. Asy has shared and presented in many advocacies and consultative BSBS meetings that Africa CDC has conducted. He shared in the development and reviewing of Africa CDC’s regional BSBS legal framework, terms of reference for the convening and function of the Regional BB-TWG, and the Examination and Certification Committee.
Dr. Asy has identified the gaps and needs in national and regional, and global BSBS throughout his membership in many professional associations and groups like ABSA, the Signature Initiative to Mitigate Deliberate Biological Threats in Africa, and the International Working Group on Strengthening the Culture of Biosafety, Biosecurity, and Responsible Conduct in the Life Sciences.
As a dedicated academician, devoted researcher, and experienced biosafety advisor, Dr. Asy dedicates his life to advancing national, regional, and global capacities for biosafety and biosecurity and animal and human health.