Dr. Ayse Balat

Dr. Ayse Balat, Gaziantep University, Turkey
Professor Dr. Ayse Balat, MD
She is a Professor in Pediatrics, a specialist in PediatricNephrologyandRheumatology. She has been working as Vicepresident of Gaziantep University since October 2020.
ShewasthePresident of theMediterraneanKidneySocietybetween 2015 to 2018 and is secretary beginning from 2018. She is also president-Elect of the International Association of History of Nephrology since 2019.
She has several studies published in international and national peer-reviewed scientific journals (H-Index: 24). ShewastheGuest Editor of the International Journal of Nephrology in 2012 (special issue titled ” Devil’sTriangle in KidneyDiseases: oxidative stress, Mediators, and inflammation”). She has been joined as an “invited speaker” to 17 International Meetings.
As of 2007, she organizes World KidneyDayactivitieswithinthescope of the “Survival is not Enough” program(in the first rank in betweenEuropeanpediatricnephrologists as an organizer of those activities).
AftertheSyrianconflict, sheworkedtoraiseawarenessaboutSyrianrefugeechildrenwithkidneydisease. Firstly, they visited one of the biggest refugee camps in Gaziantep and measured the blood pressure (BP) of 314 children by aiming to detect asymptomatic ones with increased BP, and prepared a brief reportabout refugee children for the web page of Lancet in 2018 (https://www.thelancet.com ›kidney › updates), and continued with below studies;
– Kara MA, Kilic BD, Col N, Ozcelik AA, Buyukcelik M, Balat A. Iran J KidneyDis 2017;11(2):109-114
-Kılıç BD, Kara MA, Çöl N, Alaşehirli B, Avsar H, Ozdemir N, Büyükçelik M, Balat A. Theprevalence of hypertension in Syrianrefugeechildren. The 3rd Congress of MediterraneanKidneySociety, 10-13 June 2015, Cappadocia, Turkey (oral presentation)
-Sever L, Balat A. Renalcrisis in children during armed conflict. Semin Nephrol. 2020;40(4):408-420.
-Balat A, Kılıç BD, Aksu B, et al. Kidneydiseaseprofileandencounteredproblemsduringfollow-up in Syrianrefugeechildren: a multicenter retrospective study. Pediatr Nephrol, 2021 Jul 31. doi: 10.1007/s00467-021-05046-3.
The main areas of her interest are nephrotic syndrome, urinary tract infection, and the roles of oxidative stress, nitric oxide, adrenomedullin, and urotensin-2 in kidney disease.