Dr. Ghabi Kaspo

Scientific Advisory
Dr. Ghabi Kaspo, Pierre Fauchard Academy, USA
Dr. Ghabi Kaspo has been practicing dentistry, primarily in Orofacial Pain Management and TMJ Disorders, for the past 32 years. His academic achievements include a D.D.S. and a D. Orth. from Damascus University, a D.D.S. from the University of Detroit Mercy, and a Certificate of training in TMJ and Orofacial Pain ManagementfromtheUniversityofMedicineandDentistryofNewJersey. Healsoearnedadiplomatefor theAmericanBoardofOrofacialPainandaDiplomateAmericanBoardofDentalSleepMedicine. Heserved as president of the American Academy of Orofacial Pain from 2017-2018. He serves as the chair of the council of AAOP. He has written numerous articles on TMJ Imaging, Fibromyalgia in TMJ patients, and Sleep Disorders in TMJ patients. He also authored chapters on headaches, sleep disorders, and TMD in Fibromyalgia and Cone Beam CT and the Diagnosis of Temporomandibular Joint Diseases.