Dr. Joseph Mensah

Dr. Joseph Mensah, Professor of Human Geography at York University in Toronto, Canada
Joseph Mensah is a Full Professor of Human Geography at York University in Toronto, Canada. He was the Head of the Department of Geography at York University from 2017 to 2019 and a former Associate Director of the Harriet Tubman Institute for Research on the Global Migration of African Peoples at York University. Professor Mensah’s specialties are in Cultural and Social Geography; Migration and Population Geography; and African Development. His current research interests are in immigrant integration and settlement; socio-spatial dialectics; and theorizations of equity, diversity, and inclusion. Professor Mensah has received several competitive grants from the likes of the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC), the Gates Foundation, the Global Development Network, ILO, the Commonwealth Secretariat in London, and the International Development Research Council of Canada (IDRC). He has written several journal articles, books, and encyclopedia entries. He is the author of Black Canadians: History, Experiences, Social Conditions (Fanwood Publishing, 2002/2010). His latest book (co-authored with Chris Williams) is Boomerang Ethics: How Racism Affects Us All (Fernwood, 2017).