Dr. Michel Daher, Balband University, Lebanon

Scientific Advisory
Dr. Michel Daher, Balband University, Lebanon
Michel Daher, MD, FACS, FEBS, is a Professor of Surgery at the University of Balamand, Lebanon. He is currently the Secretary General of the National Ethics Committee, and Coordinator of the Medical Ethics and Bioethics Teaching Program at the Saint George University of Beirut, and Chairman of the Research Ethics Committee (IRB) at the University of Balamand and SGH-UMC.
He has more than 135 peer reviewed published articles with local and international collaborators on a diverse range of topics and presented more than 145 lectures as invited speaker in international congresses. Many of these publications and conferences address Surgery, Professional articles, Medical Ethics and Bioethics issues, and Pain Relief and Palliative Care.
He has served as advisor and consultant to international organizations including WHO and UNESCO.
He is also invested in Cancer Control through his activity in the Lebanese Cancer Society, and in the development of Pain Relief & Palliative Care in Lebanon. He has received an Award of Appreciation from the American Cancer Society for his commitment to the global control of cancer.
He is mainly interested in General and Colorectal Surgery, Breast Cancer management, Cancer Control, Pain Relief and Palliative Care, and Medical Ethics and Bioethics Education.