Dr. Shadi Hamouri

Scientific Committee
Dr. Shadi Hamouri, Dean, Faculty of Medicine, Al-Balqa Applied University, Salt, Jordan.
Shadi Hamouri, MD, is a Professor of Thoracic Surgery at the Faculty of Medicine/ Jordan University of Science and Technology (FMJUST) and Dean of the Faculty of Medicine at Al-Balqa Applied University (BAU)/ Jordan (Secondment). He also works as a Senior Consultant of Thoracic Surgery at King Abdullah University Hospital and Al-Salt Governmental New Hospital. He earned an MBBS degree from FMJUST in 1998. After completing general surgery training at FMJUST and the American University of Beirut (AUB)/Lebanon, he pursued General Thoracic Surgery Training at the University of Göttingen Teaching Hospital/ “East Bremen Hospital” and University of Duisburg-Essen Teaching Hospital/ “Protestant Hospital in Herne,” Germany. After completing his thoracic surgery training, he joined the Faculty of Medicine at JUST in 2009 and has been practicing in the Department of Surgery since then. Also, Dr. Hamouri worked as a Part-time Assistant Professor at Hashemite University (2010-2017) and a Part-time Associate Professor at the University of Jordan (2018-2019). Dr. Hamouri has contributed to sixty publications in which he has primarily authored or has co-authorships in internationally prestigious journals. In addition, he is an active member of many national, regional, and international groups, bodies, and societies. His clinical practice focuses on treating benign and malignant thoracic surgical disorders using minimally invasive surgical techniques.
In addition to his clinical practice, Dr. Hamouri has worked in several academic and administrative university posts that include but are not limited to the Faculty of Medicine Deanʼs Assistant (2014-2016), Chairman of the General Surgery Department (2016-2018), and Vice Dean for Clinical Affairs at the Faculty of Medicine (2018-2020), Vice Dean of the Faculty of Graduate Studies (2020-2022) at Jordan University of Science and Technology (JUST). He is interested in under- and postgraduate medical education, undergraduate “MD degree curriculum” development, and assessment using objective structured clinical examinations (OSCE). Moreover, He has sufficient experience in quality assurance and accreditation of medical schools. Currently, he is an international assessor at the World Federation for Medical Education (WFME).